Hallmark Art Collection


Art Collection


Nadia Haji Omar

(American, born in Australia 1985)
Aa, 2017

acrylic and dye on canvas, 24 x 20 inches

The fluidity of the dye parallels the loose, malleable nature of language, particularly as it evolves over time and within various cultures. In contrast to its fluidity is the potential for writing to “fix” language much like the colored dye is “fixed” once it has adhered to a surface like the letters and marks in the painted panels.

Providence College Galleries - Nadia Haji Omar and the Fluidity of Language
Other Works by Nadia Haji Omar

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Nadia Haji Omar, Abstraction, Color, Communication, Pattern, Perception, Organic Abstraction, Painting, Acrylic, 2010s,
