Hallmark Art Collection


Art Collection


Patrick Jacobs

(American, born 1971)
Window (View of Gowanus Heights #2), 2010

paper, acrylic, extruded styrene, copper acrylic gel medium, concrete, hair, steel, Acrylite, tin, LED lighting, BK7 optical glass; viewed through 2 5/8 inches diameter aperture within an architectural installation

Art is most often a prominent feature of the environment, meant to attract our attention. The work of Patrick Jacobs, however, is far more discrete, laying in wait for us to discover it. His art takes the form of peepholes of various sizes through which we can spy alternative, dreamlike worlds. These views range from fantasy landscapes to real world spaces, each convincing in their minute detail. When we peer into Window, we are transported to the artist’s studio in the Gowanus Heights section of Brooklyn, New York. The illusion is so convincing, we can almost believe we are peering onto the same vista Jacobs sees out his window each day. In actuality, we are looking through a special lens into a small diorama painstakingly crafted by the artist. A variety of unusual materials are employed to make everything seem in proper scale, including human hair for the distant electrical wires. Through his extraordinary craft Jacobs provides us with an unexpected and extraordinary moment that transforms our sense of time and place.

The phenomena of the natural world have often provided inspiration for my work. Nature, like magic, delights in transformations. By eluding purely mechanical explanation, it evokes in us a sense of mystery and beauty. My work seeks to define such a transformative moment when the commonplace transcends to the supernatural and our sense of disbelief is suspended.

Artist statement in Otherworldly: Optical Delusions and Small Realities, published by Museum of Arts and Design, New York: 2010, p. 105.
Other Works by Patrick Jacobs

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Patrick Jacobs, Architecture, Urban Life, Superrealism, Surrealism, Summer, Installation, Mixed media, 2010s,
